
Showing posts from 2021

Buspirate v3.6 firmware upgrade from USB

Buspirate:  The Bus Pirate v3.6a, created by Ian Lesnet, is a troubleshooting tool that communicates between a PC and any embedded device over 1-wire, 2-wire, 3-wire, UART, I2C, SPI, and HD44780 LCD protocols - all at voltages from 0-5.5VDC. This product eliminates a ton of early prototyping effort when working with new or unknown chips. Upgrading Firmware: buspirate will not come with new firmware so it has to be change by us. buspirate v4 : Supports firmware version 7  buspirate v3.x:  Supports firmware version 6&7 (note : firmware version 7 may hurt the device hardware not fully tested from my side doit in your won risk) Requirements: Buspirate firmware and loader : ICSP pins. in these pins there are two of them which is  PGD and PGC   helps us to load the firmware into it . T he PGC and PGD pins with a jumper cable. When you are in the bootloader, the MODE LED of the Bus Pirate...

How I purchase costly Devices in low price to learn IoT Pentesting

  How I purchase costly Smart Devices in low price by not to wasting money for testing devices Note: this article based on the india location Many of you are interested in IoT Pentesting and Device hacking. One of the main challenges for entry in this domain is money. As per me, for learning I do not invest much money on the hardware as there chances of me bricking the device. But if it’s for a project, I definitely buy the device even if it’s expensive. Check the below flow that I follow for buying devices OLX India, Amazon Flipkart CEX (many branches all over world) Banggood Chor bazaars (thief markets) Electronic bazaar (street side) Known people So let’s see, If i want to buy one router to start my journey into router basic knowledge to get into IoT Pentesting  Attack vectors for the Routers like Network  Embedded application Firmware Hardware  Others depends on the router features like android app and others 1 st attempt is lets check with OLX and Bang...